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I'm Eugene R. Dunn, the Founder & CEO of This page is where I or members of our team will be posting short daily musings on just about anything. Please feel free to follow us. I hope you enjoy our site and We Will All SuriveTil'25. That is me with the Greatest President Ever - 30 years b/t Pics.
By Eugene R. Dunn November 23, - 330pm EST, 2021
So, after nearly five years of investigations, there’s finally an arrest in the fake Russian Collusion scandal that was designed to damage an innocent candidate’s campaign and subsequent presidency. And the trail leads to Hillary Clinton’s campaign that lost the bitter 2016 presidential election.
My question is, after getting away with this “ultimate political dirty trick” for the last five years—and knowing that there are no consequences for their illegal and unethical actions—why wouldn’t the Democrats feel emboldened to employ further “political dirty tricks” in stealing the 2020 presidential election from the man they despised so much?
As I see it, anyone who fails to make this logical connection here suffers from a failure of imagination as to how immoral and corrupt the Democratic Party has become. As former House Speaker Newt Gingrich testified openly on national TV on the eve of the 2021 Virginia gubernatorial election, “If it’s close, the Democrats will steal it.”
The embittered Democrats had four years to figure out a way to steal the election and they were confident that with the backing of the media and the deep state that they could get away with the crime of the century--without any consequences. They had every opportunity and motive working for them as they stacked the deck in their favor, nominating the worst candidate possible who even his running mate called a racist and sexual predator. But none of it mattered because they knew the fix was in!
written by: Eugene R. Dunn
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The writer is the Founder of the website, SurviveTil25.
By Eugene R. Dunn November 22, - 330pm EST, 2021
First off, most everyone I know openly mocked and held President Biden in contempt when he claimed with a straight face that his trillion dollar spending bill would cost “zero”.
The man can lie as effortlessly as he breathes.
And we’re supposed to believe him when he says he legitimately won the election after six swing states suspended voting in the middle of the night??
You’d have to be an idiot to believe the humiliated, yet determined Russian Collusion crowd didn’t have their corrupt DNA all over that shady election result that forced upon us the worst president/leader in world history!
written by: Eugene R. Dunn
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The writer is the Founder of the website, SurviveTil25.
By Eugene R. Dunn September 25, - 330pm EST, 2021
With the death spiral that the country has been in since Joe Biden took office, I get a kick out of people who label me a conspiracy theorist when I tell them I refuse to believe the media narrative that the 2020 presidential election was completely legitimate and that Biden won the election fair and square.
Here’s my reasoning: In a coordinated effort with Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign, the Obama White House, the Department of Justice and intelligence agencies all conspired together in 2016 to spy on Donald Trump’s campaign. If you recall, when Trump publicly made the charge, he was openly mocked by the media. Yet subsequently, the charge was proven true. Even more astonishingly, no one has been indicted or gone to jail on this blatant abuse of power. That’s a key point to remember in all this.
After four years of wildly successful policies implemented in office, after suffering constant harassment of anonymous leaks of classified information coupled with the phony Russian Collusion scandal that was primarily funded by the Clinton’s campaign’s use of a fabricated “Steele dossier” that the eager and enabling media never questioned and ran with as their top story for nearly two years, the polls found that President Trump was on a path to an easy electoral re-election win against an old, tired, uninspiring candidate who barely left his basement.
It’s important to note that in the midst of all these Nixonian dirty tricks that were constantly employed against Trump, no one has gone to jail. In other words, there are no consequences for pushing the envelope into how far the law could be broken.
Is it such a stretch to think that being that the Washington insiders and the dirty-playing Democratic party wanted Trump out of office so bad that as a last resort they saw the 2020 presidential election as their fire wall and had four years to prepare, er, figure out creative ways, to rig it--particularly knowing that even if they got caught, there’d be no consequences?
And what about Election Night and the next morning itself. Given how brazen the Democrats had been up til then—with the help of the media coupled with no consequences—is it any wonder that Republican poll workers were locked out of counting rooms while six swing states were mysteriously shut down and Biden experienced unexplainable spike in votes, such as 570,000 to 3,200 in Pennsylvania? The odds of these anomalies happening in succession are in the trillions! But yet if you dare question it, you’re discounted as a conspiracy theorist, which makes me laugh. Because that’s what they called Trump himself when he charged he was being spied on by the Obama White House.
As I see it, when it comes to the 2020 presidential election, being a conspiracy theorist is the only way to logically conclude how it all went down. How else can you explain a political party that went awry that never faced any consequences for its illegal actions because it was protected by the media and the deep state?
Calling the 2020 presidential election rigged and Biden an illegitimate president is the easiest prognostication of all time. My question is, how long before the mainstream public starts subscribing to this truth before Biden and the Democrats completely destroy the country?
written by: Eugene R. Dunn
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The writer is the Founder of the website, SurviveTil25.
By Eugene R. Dunn September 24, - 330pm EST, 2021
To watch the Arizona Senate Audit results live that will prove President Trump WON, pleasevisit this:
Just so we’re clear here, we have a full-blown Biden “forced error” crisis on our southern border that threatens to ruin our country with an influx of millions of the hemisphere’s most destitute, illiterate and disease-infested illegal aliens. And lawmakers in Washington are currently debating a $3.5 trillion dollar infrastructure bill that allocates exactly zero dollars to the border wall which would help at least stem the tide of, if not fix, this border crisis.
In other words, the most desperately needed infrastructure appropriation to save our country is being ignored in favor of far more frivolous pork expenditures.
How much longer are the American people going to put up with being on the receiving end of the Biden administration giving them the middle finger?
How much longer will it take before a "real" insurrection manifests in the form of irate citizens peacefully storming the White House and peacefully removing Biden who is on a collision course with destroying America?
I’m just wondering out loud.
written by: Eugene R. Dunn
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The writer is the Founder of the website, SurviveTil25.
By Eugene R. Dunn August 30, - 330pm EST, 2021
Well, well, well. In Governor Hochul’s first few days in office, she has made it her priority that illegal immigrants will receive cash payments for supposedly lost wages from COVID and anointing state senator Brian Benjamin Lieutenant Governor who is a vocal “Defund the Police” advocate.
Are there any two more lunatic left wing fringe policies than this? Given the recent Democratic governor’s track record of not finishing out their term, we have to assume that the “Defund the Police” Benjamin will likely come into office via scandal. Are New Yorkers really for a full blown, pro-criminal governor that makes bail reform Cuomo look like the Law & Order marshall?
Thirty years ago, former Oak Beach Inn nightclub owner, Bob Matherson, vehemently got out his ahead-of -his-time message, “GET OUT OF NEW YORK STATE BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE.”
I couldn’t help but flashback to his prophetic message as I attended a recent Zeldin for Governor fundraiser where the prevailing sentiment was “If he (Zeldin) doesn’t win in ’22, we’re outta here in ’23!”
It’s becoming increasingly clear that the 2022 gubernatorial election is the fire wall between New York making a comeback or falling into the abyss of another failed blue state.
With a potential mass exodus of hard working, tax paying Republicans hanging in the balance who are fed up with the abuse of progressive policies and corruption of the last three NY Democratic governors, I’m urging NY GOP chairman Nick Langworthy to do everything in his power to save our state from a fourth consecutive Democratic term by immediately anointing Lee Zeldin, who is on a six-election winning streak, as the party’s nominee.
written by: Eugene R. Dunn
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The writer is the Founder of the website, SurviveTil25.
By Eugene R. Dunn August 25, - 330pm EST, 2021
Many people are concerned about the money that Andrew Cuomo’s political action committee doled out to numerous Democratic candidates around the country. These concerned people argue that Cuomo’s campaign donations have put “dirt on the hands” of the candidates who received and are pressuring these candidates to donate the money to charitable cause.
“I believe now that Cuomo cannot hide behind an institution to cover his . . .abuse. It is incumbent upon other elected officials who have allied themselves with him to stand up and now ally themselves with survivors,” Erica Vladimer, co-founder of the Sexual Harassment Working Group said. “That means returning the money.”
I agree with Ms. Vladimer that Cuomo’s contributions should be donated to charity(s), but I believe her stance doesn’t go far enough.
As of last filing, Andrew Cuomo’s re-election campaign war chest totaled $18.5 million. As I see it, this is the epitome of “dirty money” that should be donated to Cuomo’s 11 victims as well as various sexual harassment groups around the state.
Freshly inaugurated Governor Kathy Hochul has repeatedly said that she knew nothing of Cuomo’s decade-long sexual harassment conduct and wants to distance herself from his slimy exit from office.
I challenge Governor Hochul to walk the talk and sign an executive order that bans the use of Cuomo’s campaign “dirty money” from being dispersed to other candidates and diverting it directly to sexual harassment causes.
What do you say, Madam Governor?
written by: Eugene R. Dunn
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The writer is the Founder of the website, SurviveTil25.
By Eugene R. Dunn August 21, - 330pm EST, 2021
Between Biden’s disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal, runaway inflation due to exorbitant government spending, asinine energy policy that makes us once again dependent on terrorist-sponsoring countries that hate us and his refusing to close the southern border leading a COVID spike, we are clearly experiencing the worst presidency in not just US history, but world history.
By every measure, Biden has failed miserably. And a lot of these judgement calls were indescribably easy. Don’t impede energy production. Keep border closed. Don’t pay people to sit at home instead of work. This is actually easy stuff that most sane people wholeheartedly agree with. After just seven months in office from winning the presidency under the most suspicious circumstances imaginable, is it any wonder that an astounding 86 percent of Americans think the country is going in the wrong direction?
If we can recall a governor who is doing a lousy job, why can’t we recall a president? And not just a president, but a whole administration as VP Harris would likely be even more of a horror show than Biden if she was calling the shots in the Oval Office.
The mantra that most Trump fans are adhering to to get us through this nightmare is “Survive ‘til ’25.” But at this rate of destruction with 41 months to go, the average working class person/family isn’t going to make it as we watch America being destroyed right before our eyes.
As I see it, based on pure incompetence, we need a national grass roots effort to remove the entire Biden administration and hold a special election as soon as possible.
I believe the Trump/DeSantis ticket could and should easily beat any Democratic pairing in a free and fair election before the year is out.
Sure, what I’m fantasizing about has never been done before. But we’ve never faced such a perilous reality like this before either.
written by: Eugene R. Dunn
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The writer is the Founder of the website, SurviveTil25.
This is a picture on my Dad when he took me to the White House as a young boy in the 1960's. This is a period when he taught to respect the President and our country. Picture by Eugene Dunn
This is a picture on my Dad when he wqas in the Navy serving our country during WWII and the Korean war. Picture by Eugene Dunn
On Friday night Aug. 20, to commemorate what would've been his 100th birthday, my deceased father who spent 20 years in the US Navy, will be honored as the "Veteran of the Day" at Yankee Stadium during the 7th inning stretch vs the Twins. Check your local listings! Picture by Eugene Dunn
This is a picture of my Dad's medals and Honors during his 20 yr, Naval career serving our country. Picture by Eugene Dunn
By Eugene R. Dunn August 14, - 330pm EST, 2021
With Andrew Cuomo resigning, that makes it a perfect trifecta of the last three NY Democratic governors leaving office marred in scandal and disgrace.
The Democratic brand in the once proud Empire State has never been more damaged, yet in New York--the bluest of blue states—the odds of turning it red in the 2022 gubernatorial election cycle is still a long shot against even a low profile Democratic candidate like Kathy Hochul who has a clean slate.
Now more than ever the NY Republican Party Chairman, Nick Langworthy, needs to demonstrate his leadership by enacting Donald Trump’s 2014 idea of foregoing the primaries and immediately coronating front runner, Congressman Lee Zeldin as the party’s nominee.
By doing so, this will give Zeldin—who is on a six election winning streak—an extra five months of time to hammer away at the corruption that has permeated our state, while saving him the expense of spending money on a possible bruising primary campaign against former Westchester Executive, Rob Astorino, who would make a perfect lieutenant governor candidate.
As I see it, a united Zeldin/Astorino ticket coronated before Labor Day gives the NY GOP it’s optimum best chance to win the 2022 gubernatorial election and fumigate the entrenched stench out of Albany that the last three Democratic governors left behind.
written by: Eugene R. Dunn
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The writer is the Founder of the website, SurviveTil25.
By Staff August 12, - 10am EST,
Aug 10, 2021 - 1030am Update: The PTB have taken down/attacked, and other conservative broadcasters. Lawsuits were filed 2 hours ago against NewsMax and OANN TV networks not broadcast any of the Election Cyber Symposium and as of now they are not. They do not want this information in Americans hands.
Our own website has been attacked and as of now we will not be broadcasting any live.
Please see the following Links to watch Live. As of now they are all live. Mike Lindell's backup Servers are up and are now broadcasting Live also on Stable Stream
Check back here for important updates, links and how to watch Mike Lindell's Cyber Symposium over the next 3 days on all shenanigans that played out during the November 3, Election.
We will be following all the action from Mike Lindell's Cyber Symposium on what happened during the 2020 Election. We will have articles, links and commentary on what this means for America moving forward.
You will learn things that the #FakeNews #MSM will never report on and just how the Election was taken from President Trump. IT IS TIME TO WAKE UP AMERICA!!
SIOUX FALLS SOUTH DAKOTA – Mike Lindell, of MyPillow, launches his eagerly awaited Cyber Symposium on Tuesday August 10th – 12th in Sioux Falls South Dakota with a $5 Million challenge awarded to anyone who can prove his evidence is false. The Cyber Symposium will be streaming live on for 72 hours straight. In the above video Mike Lindell discusses the Cyber Symposium with Steve Bannon on Bannon’s War Room Ep. 1,151.
The symposium will be releasing 37 terabytes of data including the “PCAPS” (Packet Captures) that white-hat hackers captured during the 2020 stolen election and delivered to Mike Lindell on January 9th to help get the truth out. The white hack hackers reportedly captured this data in-transit, during and immediately after the election. These packet captures allegedly show the IP addresses of the originating computers as well as the election voting machines that were targeted. They will show the election being hacked in real time, right down to number of votes that were flipped in each state complete with timestamps. Remember President Trump said we caught them all!!
Follow Live all the 2020 Election Details here
By Eugene R. Dunn August 12, - 330pm EST, 2021
Under the backdrop of President Biden refusing to seal our southern border during a pandemic and distributing tens of thousands of COVID-infected illegal aliens throughout our country, MyPillow founder Mike Lindell is hosting a three day “Help Save Our Country” symposium where he will reveal how the 2020 presidential election was stolen from President Donald Trump.
So confident is Lindell of his cause that he is even offering $5 million to anyone who can prove him wrong.
Oddly, no one from the mainstream media is taking him seriously and is completely dismissing him. Apparently, everyone in the media is so wealthy that cashing in on an easy $5 million bounty doesn’t get them out of bed.
I have to admit, I have never seen a more disinterested, lazy and corrupt media than the US MSM in the wake of the 2020 presidential election.
Regardless of the obvious and enormous anomalies that occurred in the wee hours of post Election Day, anyone who dare challenges the results of the 2020 election is labelled a crackpot or conspiracy theorist.
Here’s how I read this situation with crystal clear clarity: The most wildly successful GOP president in decades was winning big on Election night until six states swing states that he won four years earlier mysteriously shut down their voting—simutaneously! And then these six previously red states experienced massive vote drops for his opponent, a swamp-dweller who barely campaigned. One of these late-night vote drop anomalies was 570,000 to 3,200 in Pennsylvania.
Couple this with over 1,000 eyewitness testimony affadavits in which poll workers testified under oath that there were malfeasance going on, and yet this doesn’t even bat an eye with the MSM. In fact, they only double down that if anyone gives any of this credence, they’re a crackpot—even someone like Lindell who offers a $5 million bounty to prove them wrong!
Here’s how I see it: I say anyone who actually believes without a hint of skepticism that the most successful GOP president since Reagan who was harassed from Day One throughout his presidency lost the election under these shady circumstances to a swamp-dwelling candidate who is actually on videotape admitting to the quid pro quo violation that Trump was frivolously impeached over, than that person is a special kind of stupid.
The circumstances that stole the election from Trump that the media wants everyone to believe without question is the 21st century equivalent of the “Magic Bullet Theory” that was sold to rationalize the assassination of President Kennedy.
We all remember how that was explained away how that bullet was suspended in mid-air and took a crazy, unexplainable turn and was highly criticized by the skeptical media.
Yet here we have another outlandish anomaly(s) being foisted on us and the media is championing it that anyone who questions it is crackpot.
And this despite no one daring to take Lindell up on his $5 million offer.
Just another wicked anomaly to pile on to the 2020 stolen election scandal that will one day be accurately depicted as the Crime of the Century which the Biden administration advances by destroying our country in not sealing the border during an emergency pandemic.
written by: Eugene R. Dunn
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The writer is the Founder of the website, SurviveTil25.
By Staff August 9, - 430pm EST,
Check back here for important updates, links and how to watch Mike Lindell's Cyber Symposium over the next 3 days on all shenanigans that played out during the November 3, Election.
We will be following all the action from Mike Lindell's Cyber Symposium on what happened during the 2020 Election. We will have articles, links and commentary on what this means for America moving forward.
You will learn things that the #FakeNews #MSM will never report on and just how the Election was taken from President Trump. IT IS TIME TO WAKE UP AMERICA!!
SIOUX FALLS SOUTH DAKOTA – Mike Lindell, of MyPillow, launches his eagerly awaited Cyber Symposium on Tuesday August 10th – 12th in Sioux Falls South Dakota with a $5 Million challenge awarded to anyone who can prove his evidence is false. The Cyber Symposium will be streaming live on for 72 hours straight. In the above video Mike Lindell discusses the Cyber Symposium with Steve Bannon on Bannon’s War Room Ep. 1,151.
The symposium will be releasing 37 terabytes of data including the “PCAPS” (Packet Captures) that white-hat hackers captured during the 2020 stolen election and delivered to Mike Lindell on January 9th to help get the truth out. The white hack hackers reportedly captured this data in-transit, during and immediately after the election. These packet captures allegedly show the IP addresses of the originating computers as well as the election voting machines that were targeted. They will show the election being hacked in real time, right down to number of votes that were flipped in each state complete with timestamps. Remember President Trump said we caught them all!!
Follow Live all the 2020 Election Details here
By Eugene R. Dunn August 9, - 330pm EST, 2021
America is reaching the boiling point? This Op-Ed appeared in the Washington Times How Much Will Americans Allow!!
Biden's time has come to be Impeached and be removed from office
It boils my blood when I see that there’s a looming mask mandate and lockdown coming while the Biden administration continues to keep the southern border open allowing for a national super spreader of the Covid virus. Is there no end to this insanity? And people wonder why there’s a significant percentage of Americans who actively question the validity of the 2020 election. Because there’s no way the American people voted for this insanity, coupled with runaway inflation and deficit busting legislation.
If this keeps up, I’m wondering how much longer until the American people reach its boiling point and demand that Congress Impeach the president and remove the dementia-laden Biden?
written by: Eugene R. Dunn
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The writer is the Founder of the website, SurviveTil25.
In 2014, then-citizen Donald Trump offered this idea to be the nominee if a costly and bruising primary season were bypassed, but the state GOP chairman at the time, Ed Cox, rejected that offer. The eventual Republican nominee, Rob Astorino, suffered a double-digit loss. More....
By Eugene R. Dunn June 26, - 330pm EST, 2021
An open letter to President Donald J. Trump from a hardcore New York MAGA supporter.
Dear President Trump,
First and foremost, it’s great to see that you’re getting back on the road again doing your electrifying rallies to build up moral around the country. Lord knows with open borders, skyrocketing fuel prices and runaway inflation, we need all the moral support we can get to “Survive ‘til ‘25” when better days will surely come again.
But until the next presidential administration takes over and rectifies this current historical disaster, I would like to revisit an idea you had in 2014 to help put current day New York on the right track.
As you recall, seven years ago you offered to run for governor of New York if the state GOP party leadership waived the primaries and simply awarded you the nomination, thus sparing you the costly and bruising primaries and allowing you to put all your focus and campaign dollars on the general election. Had NY GOP chairman Ed Cox opted for this strategy, I believe it would’ve made a significant difference in the outcome of the 2014 gubernatorial race.
I bring this point up now because for the 2022 race, in the bluest of blue states, the Republican party has a legitimate chance at turning the state red as Congressman Lee Zeldin has thrown his hat in the ring for governor.
Zeldin is currently on a six-election winning streak and is by far the most radically superior candidate who can either unseat the scandal-marred Governor Cuomo or his likely replacement nominee.
Therefore, President Trump, I’m urging you in the strongest possible terms, to publicly back Lee Zeldin’s candidacy for governor of New York with one of your signature rallies here on Long Island and lobby for the NY state GOP to implement your 2014 strategy to award the nomination to him so he can put all his focus and dollars directly to the general election.
As you know, the deck is stacked against every Republican in New York. But implementing what I call the “Trump 2014 Primary Exemption” would be tantamount to giving Zeldin his best “No Excuse to Lose” strategy and reversing the horrendous policies of the past 16 years that have made New Yorkers flee the Empire State in droves.
There can be no better gift, political or otherwise, that you can give to your home state than this, sir.
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The writer is the Founder of the website, SurviveTil25.
By Eugene R. Dunn June 18, - 330pm EST, 2021
MYPILLOW CEO Mike Lindell is claiming that he has proof that the Chinese Communist Party orchestrated voter fraud and that Donald Trump won the 2020 presidential election and Trump will be reinstated as president by the end of the year after all 50 states votes are audited. And given that voting machines were shut down in the middle of the night on Election Day only to experience wild swings for Biden, nearly a third of Republicans believe that some kind of voter fraud played a role in electing Biden, who barely came out of his basement to campaign.
But I feel Lindell is going about this crusade the wrong way. There’s really no need to audit all 50 states to prove that the wrong man is in the White House.
Instead of wasting time on all 50 states, simply focus on the six swing states of Georgia, Wisconsin, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Michigan—states that Trump won in 2016—along with Nevada.
This is the margin of victory, of where the election was clearly stolen in the middle of the night when most Americans went to bed confidently knowing that Trump would be re-elected only to find out later about subsequent voting anomalies like Pennsylvania’s 570,000 for Biden to 3,200 for Trump.
If there was a way to definitively prove voter fraud and that Trump legitimately won the election as Lindell alleges, this is the more prudent way of doing it instead of wasting time auditing the votes of all 50 states.
The writer is Founder of the website
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The writer is the Founder of the website, SurviveTil25.
Watch #1 Hit Song "Justice For All" by #J6PC Political Prisoners and President Trump
President Trump Won Re-Election in an Epic Comeback and Landslide! He took control of America on Jan 20 2025!!
President Trump's new Social Media Platform is LIVE Sign up at: Be one of the first to start interfacing with President Trump's ULTRA-MAGA messages. SAVE AMERICA!!
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